Saturday, December 27, 2008

Strength and Weakness

Our strength grows out of our weaknesses.....Now that's optimistic and true.....

But Our weaknesses grow out of our strengths.....May be that's pessimistic but that's true too....

How ironic ha!


abhi said...

my inspiration is who ever i wt the card to
my last one was to u

hope u liked it, so u like words to ha
i am on ur blog now

my next one will be 4 u
it will be abt hope.......complementing ur hoping to........ on ur blog

abhi said...

my inspiration is who ever i wt the card to
my last one was to u

hope u liked it, so u like words to ha
i am on ur blog now

my next one will be 4 u
it will be abt hope.......complementing ur hoping to........ on ur blog