Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Most influential are the best remembered....

The following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz, the creator of the "Peanuts" comic strip. You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just read the post straight through, and you'll get the point.

1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.

2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.

3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America Contest.

4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.

5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.

6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.

How did you do?

The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. They are not second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.

Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:

1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.

2.. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.

3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.

4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.

5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.


The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are NOT the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones who CARE....
They might not be influential in this world but they are the most influential people in our lives.....

Don't loose them for anything on this earth.....


Anonymous said...

So darn true, Sinnu... Isn't it really so true?? I would like to take this space to thank all those special people in my life who have been part of my life, all throughout from the day they entered in to my life. God Bless them all!

Soujanya.. said...

Very true... every day we talk so much about so many people who are just not a part of our life.. Who just don’t change our life even a lil bit by their presence.... but still we talk about them.. And at times we just forget the real once who are so responsible for our life to be the way it is.... my brother, my family, my very close friends, My roomies.. i owe so much to all those people but i hardly have ever told how much they have changed my life... this is a big thanks for all those who have been responsible for my life to be so in your small and big ways :)

twist knob said...

seriously an awesome quiz. makes me think of the people around me through different perspective. reminds me of this quote

" Be Who You Are and Say What You Feel like Because Those Who Mind Don't Matter and Those Who Matter don't mind"

Unknown said...

Sinnu....I know i am in ur list of influential people kadha...hehehehe...its really true love to all the influential people in my life....

Anonymous said...

hey sinu... sure its vry true... but dont u think we sumtimes take thm for granted... not tht we forget thmm.. juss tht we forget to thank thm...n tell thm tht they hav immensly influenced our lives.
its really a gud one sweetie...