Sunday, November 2, 2008

Take an IQ test folks.....

What is an IQ?? You might be thinking that this "Dumbo" doesn't even know "What is an IQ!!!!"Hey hey....hold on.....I know that IQ is intelligence quotient.....but how do they measure it??

When I was in my high school, our English teacher gave us a debate topic "Boys vs. Girls".....Damn I still remember that day......The day on which our assumption that "we are world's good friends"was proved to be wrong.....We fought like hell pointing the minus of boys and girls.....You might be wondering why I am talking about all this junk if the post is all about IQ.....Here you go....One misogynist in our class raised a point that guys has more IQ than girls.....So he argued that even there is a generalized and world-wide acceptance that guys are more intelligent than girls......That was the time when I actually gave a thought about IQ.....Lot of questions flashed in my mind "How do they measure IQ?, Is it the only representation of intelligence etc etc." and those questions remained unanswered....Well that's the history......

Recently I took a free IQ test and that made me recall all those unanswered questions and I started googling about it on our information hub "The World Wide Web".......

Well this is it..... "I.Q. (intelligence quotient) in general, is an assessment of your ability to think and reason. IQ score is a standardized way of comparing this ability with the majority of people the same age as you are. IQ is not the be all end all of a person's abilities in life. IQ score fails to measure things such as manual dexterity (obviously), musical talent, and a slew of other abilities that may lead one to many different successes in life. However, your score on an IQ test will give you a pretty accurate indication of the ability you possess to think, reason and solve problems which can often be critical in many phases of your life."

How to measure IQ??
They divide a person's assessed mental age by his or her actual age and multiplying the result by 100. That is, if an eight-year-old's test results showed that the child had the mental capacity of the average twelve-year-old, the 12/8x100 formula would give the child an IQ of 150.

Take the test:
Come on folks!!!What are you waiting for??Just click on the link below;test your IQ and see how intelligent you are or how dumb you are(for the pessimists out there) in the bell curve provided below....

IQ Test - IQ Test


Anonymous said...

I got a 140.. what's your score??

Sinnuu... said...

arey dhed...cant u see socre is 129...hahahah

Anonymous said...

i got 131....